TESLA Lux | Gallery/Store Building

'Lux Building - Unfurnished - Mod/Copy
ONLY 50 Land Impact - Extremely LOW PRIM!
Footprint: 27 M X 24 M

This three level building has a unique lighting character for each floor, so your visitors never get bored. It has been designed with clear clean lines with strong simple forms so the structure does not compete with your product display/ art work. State-of-the-art fully baked photo-realistic lighting and shadow textures means that this three level building still looks amazing at the lowest SL settings! Experience great architectural design at an affordable price.

Click HERE to go to the SL Marketplace page where there is also a video link.

Tesla Miles

Tesla Miles

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.